What is Labor Day?

Labor Day is more than a day for appliance sales

Dateline: 9-1-22: Greetings Cruisers! We are just about to roll into Labor Day Weekend, which for many Americans signals to official “end of summer”. Summer-like weather will be the daily norm for us Floridians for several more months, so our “summer” continues pretty much “as is”.

But, as we were getting ready for this weekend’s Lake Country Cruisers Labour Day Car Show, it gave me cause to ask myself about the history of Labor Day. The start of the holiday is as rough and tumble as any industrial and construction project from the 1880s, as you might expect.

Today, we think of Labor Day as a long weekend event with backyard barbecues, family get-togethers, parties, End of Summer Sales, parades, Veterans Celebrations, flag waving, and a heap’n help’n of good ‘ol American patriotism. And Lake Country Cruisers would add, “Car Shows”!

Enjoy your weekend and we hope to see you Saturday at the Lake Placid American Legion, Post 25, on Rt. 27 in Lake Placid, Florida. Cruisers Car Show starts at 10 am and runs to around 2 pm.

We supply the Rock’n Roll music, Door Prizes, 50/50 tickets, and the Legion’s Mess Hall kitchen is open for lunch and the Legion Bar is open for hard drinks to soft drinks, beer, and water. Hope to see y’all then! – Scott, Pete, & Ron

PS – We are working on a car show at South Florida State College coming up soon! We will be announcing the date soon.

Also, our next Lake Country Cruisers Car & Bike Show will be on October 8 at Cruisers Home-Base, the Lake Placid American Legion.