Dateline: 10.14.22 – Greetings Cruisers! If you were at our Car & Bike Show last Saturday you saw that we had some company in the parking lot. American Legion Department of Florida, Department Disaster Preparedness Chair, Bill Hoppner, and Convoy Advance Unit leader, Bob Neely with The Military Vehicle Preservation Association 2021 Yellowstone Trail Section Convoy were there. A full team of volunteers was on hand to offload supply trucks and place supplies into pickups with trailers for the Gulf Coast relief effort.
We did not know they would be there and we were happy to share some space. After the show, we were talking about the day and someone said, “We should make a donation.” Everyone agreed. So I researched where to send the donation and Pete Richie secured a MidFlorida bank check.
We would not be able to have done this without your continuing support and attendance at our Car & Bike Shows. This donation is the third we have made in the last year. Cruisers gave $500 to the Veterans Council of Highlands County and $500 to the South Florida State College “Bill Jarrett Automotive Training Scholarship.
If you would like to make a donation to the Desoto County BOCC, you can read about what they do HERE.
Or, you can send a check made out to: “Desoto County BOCC”. Their address is: Desoto County BOCC / 201 E. Oak St. / Suite 205 / Arcadia / FL / 34266.
A BIG THANKS to all of you! – Scott, Ron, & Pete
PS – Quick Reminder! This coming Thursday, October 20, 2022, we will be having our monthly “Meet’n Eat” luncheon at GC Grillhouse, on Rt. 27 in Lake Placid. Plus, we’ll be there in time for their awesome Lunch Special. Come on out and break bread with the Cruisers!