Shirts – Hats – Stickers – Coffee Mugs – Swag
Greetings Cruisers! Our NEW “Country Cruisers Gear” Etsy store is open for business. Last week I uploaded 19 different shirts. The shirts start at $19.99 and are printed on the front and back.
To stop by for a Look-See, CLICK HERE!
Here are six of our nineteen new Lake Country Cruisers shirts.
By the end of February, we’ll have the hats, stickers, coffee mugs, and other swag items available.
As new items are available, we’ll let you know!
A little reminder, our next Lake Country Cruisers Car & Bike Show on February 11, 2023, we will be hosting our first-ever Swap Meet! We will be starting one hour earlier than usual. The Swap Meet / Car & Bike Show will run from 9 AM to 2 PM.
We’ll be doing all the usual fun things we do at our Cruisers Shows, music, great door prizes, 50/50, and the 50/50 Runner-Up $50 Gift Certificate to a local Lake Placid restaurant! Also, the Lake Placid American Legion Post 25‘s Mess Hall Kitchen will be serving lunch. And you can wet your whistle at the Legion’s Bar!
So, if you’ve got car, truck, or motorcycle things taking up space in your garage, sign up for a space, and turn that old hardware into CASH!
For the full details, CLICK HERE!
We’ll see you all, a little farther down the road! – Scott, Pete, & Ron