All Systems GO For Our First Meet’n Eat Event!
Dateline: 2.7.22 – Hey Cruisers, just a quick update about our first Meet’n Eat Event, this Thursday, February 10 at DOCK 622 from 2 pm to 4 pm, is a GO! As of this morning, we have 10 members signed up.
The weather forecast for this Thursday in Lake Placid is “Mostly Sunny, with a high temp of 71-degrees”, so bring a light jacket.
If you are going to be there, first, let us know (send an e-mail to…, and second, bring your machine!
And when you park, DOCK 633 would like us to park out front, and back into your parking spot so we can get a group shot of all the cars in front of DOCK 633! We’d like to feature the photo on the Lake Country Cruisers Facebook page…
After the event, we will be announcing the date and place of our March Meet’n Eat.
All of our Meet’n Eat gatherings will be with local Lake Placid restaurants that are supporting Lake Country Cruisers Car Shows with generous gift certificate Door Prizes. DOCK 633 has contributed $50 Gift Certificates! NICE! This is our way of saying, “Thanks!”
Hope to see you This Thursday! – Scott, Pete, & Ron
PS – For those of you that might not know where DOCK 633 is located and want to use GPS, the address is; 633 Lake June Road, Lake Placid, FL, 33852-5671.
To stoke your appetite, check out DOCK’s Menu pages… Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, and Page 5.