Lake Country Cruisers Car Club Now Has a Website!
Greetings Everyone!
Lake Country Cruisers is very happy to announce our first website, All Lake Country Cruisers announcements and events coverage will happen here. When we publish a new post (announcement), our “newsletter” (RSS e-mail feed) will be sent to everyone on our e-mail list with brief announcements or overviews. We do not sell, rent, or lend our e-mail list and you will only hear from us when we publish.
For those of you that have been coming to our Cruisers shows since last October, you have noticed some changes. Pete Richie, Ron Ellerman, and I are co-managing the club. Beginning with last October’s show, we started asking for a $5.00 entrance fee/donation. This not only enables us to get nice car guy door prizes, but it also pays for the gas cards and Lotto tickets.
We have decided to take Lake Country Cruisers into the direction of, not just better door prizes and bigger 50/50 payouts, but the direction of “service to the community”.
Lake Country Cruisers is hitching our cart to the Lake Placid American Legion, Post 25 in their support of the Veterans Council of Highlands County. We could have gone with one of the fine national organizations but we chose to help our Vet neighbors in Highlands County. We believe that you will be pleased with what we have done, thanks to you! More to come soon!
There are several people and businesses that we want to thank.
A special thanks to Lake Placid American Legion Post 25 Commander, Fred Pierce for hosting Lake Country Cruisers and availing their facilities, the Mess Hall kitchen for lunch, and the bar.
Is there another car show in Highlands County where you can come in from the heat, get lunch, and a drinkie with your car friends at big round tables?
Special thanks to Pete Richie and Ron Ellerman for getting out there hoofing to find local businesses that are willing to help us with nice door prizes and great morning snacks. A big “THANKS!” to Dock 633 for the Dinner Gift Certificates; Advanced Auto Parts, O’Reilly Auto Parts, and for the car gear, and Gate Gas, Raceway Gas, and Lake Placid CITCO for the gas cards; and last, but not least, Lake Placid’s new Wawa Store for the coffee, cookies, and soft pretzels.
Early next year we will be investing in some new equipment. We are also working on simplifying the sign-in process to make it much easier for you and us.
And when you come to the next Lake Country Cruisers Show on January 8, 2022, don’t be surprised when you smell something sweet in the air!
Lake Country Cruisers has been having car shows for the last 20 years at regular monthly intervals. Since 2016 we have settled into the American Legion Post 25, Lake Placid, Florida on the 2nd Saturday of every month, 11 am-to-2 pm, beginning in October and running into the following May. We will continue with this schedule.
Then there’s the Caladium Car Show in July. Bob Larson has retired from the show car biz and Pete Richie has taken over the management of the show in De Vane Park (the “circle”) in downtown Lake Placid. Lake Country Cruisers will be part of the team effort.
Also, last summer (2021) Pete took it on himself to produce two car shows in downtown Lake Placid at The Journal Plaza; one on Independence Day weekend and the other on Labor Day weekend. Well, the locals and the Cruisers had such a fun time, we decided to do it again for 2022. Details to come.
When you come to a Lake Country Cruisers Car Show, yes, it’s about cars, but a lot more. We are supporting our wonderful local American Legion, our great Vets, as well as local businesses. We believe that’s part of what America is about; helping one another, and having fun while we’re at it.
Happy New Year, everyone! Now let’s do some car shows! – Scott, Pete, & Ron
PS – Future posts will be MUCH shorter.
Great report Scott, I’ve been hearing a lot of good vibes about the show and what better way to give back to our community. Keep up the good work we all appreciate it.
Thanks Bob. BTW, last week when you left the show your hot rod sounded SO BAD-ASS! You took the baffles out, NICE! – Scott
We really enjoy your car shows. It’s great to have somewhere to eat lunch or grab a cold drink.
Keep up the good work
The American Legion is our HOME! It’s the perfect place for us Patriot Car Fokes!
I think this website is a great idea, appreciate your hard work and enjoy the car shows.
Thanks Rick! We are having fun with the shows, too. We have a very cool Raffle coming up soon! – Scott